RRP Training and FIRM Certificate Funding
Home HeadQuarters is offering scholarships to contractors and landlords for several lead related trainings. To be eligible for these scholarships, you must be a contractor actively working in the City of Syracuse or a landlord who owns rental property in the City of Syracuse.
RRP Training and FIRM Certification:
Training provides contractors and landlords with the expertise and required certification to safely make repairs when lead-based paint could be disturbed, primarily in homes built before 1978. The EPA Renovator Initial training is an eight-hour class and exam to comply with the EPA's Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule. This class includes information on the regulations, lead safe work practices, cleaning, and record keeping. After passing the exam at the end of the training, participants will receive a five-year RRP Certificate in their name. Once a contractor or landlord has completed the EPA Renovator Initial training, they can apply for EPA's lead-safe FIRM certification. The RRP Rule requires the EPA Renovator Initial training and the EPA FIRM certificate for any contractor or landlord working on properties built before 1978.
RRP Training Refresher:
Training for contractors and landlords who have completed their initial RRP training and need to complete the refresher training to renew their FIRM certification prior to the expiration of their initial RRP training certificate.
EPA Lead Worker Initial:
This 16 hour initial training course meets EPA’s training requirements for individuals who perform abatement actives while working under an EPA certified Supervisor. Individuals must complete the course and pass the course examination to obtain a 6-month interim certification. During this 6-month period the worker can perform abatement activities while the EPA processes their certification application. Scholarship is for the training only, contractor must pay fees associated with EPA certification.
EPA Lead Supervisor Initial:
This 32 hour initial course meets EPA’s training requirements for individuals that will plan and/or oversee the abatement work. A certified Supervisor can perform all of the duties that a Worker can. In addition, a Supervisor is responsible for occupant safety during the abatement process and for writing the abatement plan. The EPA requires individuals to have a certain amount of education and experience to qualify for this certification. This scholarship is for training only, contractor must pay fees associated with EPA certification.
To apply for a scholarship for one of the trainings above, please download and complete the application below and email to Lauren at laurenc@homehq.org
This funding is being deployed by Home HeadQuarters. Funding is provided by the Central New York Community Foundation from the LeadSafeCNY Initiative.
Please email info@homehq.org if you have any questions.