What’s a Block Blitz anyway?

Home HeadQuarters Annual Neighborhood Block Blitz is an annual community event that brings together homeowners, volunteers and other community stakeholders to help repair, landscape, and paint up to 50 homes in a single day, rain or shine, usually in a city of Syracuse neighborhood at no cost to residents. Block Blitz aims to provide a spark for residents to improve neighborhood aesthetics; start a block group or neighborhood association; encourage homeowner investment; and strengthen neighborhood networks. Each year, Home HeadQuarters, along with more than 300 volunteers from area businesses, schools, churches, local government and more, paint fences, rebuild porches, plant trees, seal driveways, fix steps, plant flowers, remove brush and much more, all in the name of supporting our community and Home HeadQuarters’ affordable housing and purposeful lending and homeownership efforts (because it’s also our annual fundraiser!).

How to get involved:



Corporate sponsorship is critical so that we can purchase the materials and supplies necessary to meet our goal of improving 50 homes in just one day. The Annual Block Blitz is also a fundraiser to support Home HeadQuarters' programs and services. For more information, please contact Karen at (315) 474-1939 or info@homehq.org.

Donate Materials.jpg


In-kind contributions of skilled labor and materials such as paint, driveway sealer, mulch and plants as well as food & beverages for our more than 300 volunteers provide invaluable resources that allow us to provide quality home improvements and keep our volunteers happy.



Come help us paint, landscape, and renovate and bring your co-workers, friends, family or anyone! Block Blitz is a great team building experience and we welcome groups!  To sponsor a group of volunteers or to sign up, please contact Mary Jo, Ron or Kyle at (315) 474-1939 or info@homehq.org.

Volunteer Waiver

Volunteer FAQ

Thank You 2023 Block Blitz Volunteers, Homeowners, Community VIPs, Contractors, HHQ Staff & Board!


You can see more hard working Block Blitz volunteers in our video!


Thank You to our 2023 Block Blitz Sponsors!

Past Block Blitz Fun


2023 Elmwood - Creekside Neighborhood | 67 properties

2022 Salt Springs/Mountainview Ave./Le Moyne College | 55 Properties

2019 Westside/Park Ave Neighborhood: Leavenworth Park, Park Avenue and Wilkinson Street | 60 Properties

2018 Elmwood Park: Glenwood Ave., Hillview Ave., Elmwood Ave and historic Elmwood Park | 49 Properties

2017   Borden Ave, Beard Ave, and Landon Ave, on Syracuse's Southside | 42 Properties

2015   Washington Square, Lemoyne Ave, Bear St, Carbon St, Park St, Lacy Pl in the Washington Square Park Neighborhood | 43 Properties

2014   Culbert St. & Delong Ave, Danforth-Pond-Butternut Neighborhood | 37 Properties

2013   Elm St. and Hawley Ave in Hawley-Green on the City’s Northside | 25 Properties

2012   McLennan St. in Kings Park Landing and Marcellus St. and Marguerite St. in the Near Westside  | 47 Properties

2011   Grand St. & Heofler St. in Skunk City, Gifford St. & Otisco St. in Near Westside, Orchard St. in Auburn & W. Manlius in East Syracuse | 57 Properties

2010   Ontario St. and Otisco St. in the Near Westside, Landon Ave. & Kennedy St. on the Southside & Orchard St. in Auburn | 54 Properties

2009   N. Townsend St. in Prospect Hill & Otisco St. in the Near Westside | 19 Properties