First-Time Homeowner Looks Forward to a Little Peace, Love and Quiet in Brand New Net-Zero House

Ivonne Fernandez came to the United States when she was 20 years old to escape an abusive relationship. She came with children, the youngest one just 10 months old. She knew no English, had no employable skills and other than the girlfriend she came with, knew no one in this country. She lived in public housing on Syracuse’s Westside and would walk for miles, sometimes with kids in tow, for groceries, medicine and other necessities, never understanding what people were yelling at her as they drove by. When one of her children fell ill with asthma, she waited for hours at a clinic only to find she could not explain her child’s health history or understand the doctors.

Ivonne signed up for English classes at St. Lucy’s Church on Syracuse’s Westside. She learned enough of the language to apply for a job. She worked throughout the community, often in organizations that help others. She started at the city school district as a bus monitor, became a cafeteria worker and now works with special needs children. She found she worked best with children, often learning as they learned and helping others find their voice. She has always worked and lived on the Westside of Syracuse.

After many years, her daughter purchased a home with the help of Home HeadQuarters. Ivonne thought that maybe she could start on the homeownership path, too. She was tired of apartment living where she says, “…when one person’s alarm goes off, everyone has to go outside.” Ivonne took Home HeadQuarters’ Homebuyer classes, worked with a HUD-certified housing counselor and when she thought she was ready, visited the office to apply for homebuyer incentives. Ivonne started talking with Spanish-speaking staff at HHQ who asked what she was looking for and made the case for one of the organization’s Realtors to bring her to see a newly constructed house even though it wasn’t yet complete. Once she realized the new home was on the city’s Westside, Ivonne became a first-time homebuyer.

Ivonne, while not quite sure about all of the new energy efficiency technologies in the home, is sure about using her new refrigerator and stove she got from her kids this past Mother’s Day. She will enjoy hearing people say, “can I come over?” and she’ll have a place where they can come over. She’s proud of herself for living through bad experiences to reach this special experience and wants people to know that they shouldn’t give up because good things will happen. Most of all, Ivonne Fernandez is looking forward to a little peace, love and quiet in her brand new house—her own home, on Syracuse’s Westside.

See photos from the ribbon-cutting event here!